题目描述 A squad of robotic rovers are to be landed by NASA on a plateau on Mars. This plateau, which is curiously rectangular, must be navigated by the rovers so that their on-board cameras can get a complete view of the surrounding terrain to send back
据说是一不注意就会做错的五道javascript面试题之一,我们来看看这道题长什么样 function Container( properties ) { var objthis = this; for ( var i in properties ) { (function(){ var t = properties[i]; objthis[ "get" + i ] = function() {return t;}; objthis[ "set" + i ] = f
最近这道面试题,传遍程序员各大小园地,本小白特摘抄整理与大家一起学习: 原题: package com.gxlee; public class Base { private String baseName= "base"; public Base() { callName(); } public void callName(){ System.out.println(baseName); } static class Sub extends Base{ private String b
> **不用临时变量怎么实现两个数据的交换?** 方式一:加减法的运算方式求解new_b = a - b + b = a;new_a = a + b - a = b;一个简单的运算方式,最重要的思路就是加减法运算的结合性,第一行代码很关键,a = a - b```//方式一:加减法运算- (void)func2SwapA:(int)a B:(int)b{ a = a - b; b = a + b; a = b - a; NSLog(@"%d,%d",a,b);}``` 方式二:异