先上菜单: 摘要: Deep neural nets with a large number of parameters are very powerful machine learning systems. However, overfitting is a serious problem in such networks. Large networks are also slow to use, making it difficult to deal with overfitting by
other_techniques_for_regularization 随手翻译,略作参考,禁止转载 www.cnblogs.com/santian/p/5457412.html Dropout: Dropout is a radically different technique for regularization. Unlike L1 and L2 regularization, dropout doesn't rely on modifying the cost function. In
一.序言 dropout和L1.L2一样是一种解决过拟合的方法,梯度检验则是一种检验“反向传播”计算是否准确的方法,这里合并简单讲述,并在文末提供完整示例代码,代码中还包含了之前L2的示例,全都是在“深层神经网络解析”这篇基础之上修改的. 二.dropout 简单来说dropout就是在每次训练时“随机”失效网络中部分神经元,大概就是下图这么个意思. 让神经元随机消失办法很简单,我们将每一层的输出Y中部分位,置为0即可.回顾一下神经元的输出值Y: A = np.dot(w, IN) + b Y