报错信息如下: Could not resolve archetype org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart:RELEASE from any of the configured repositories. Could not resolve artifact org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart:pom:RELEASE Failed to resolv
五.使用Eclipse 1)第一次打开需要设置工作环境,你可以指定工作目录,或者使用默认的C盘工作目录,点击 ok 按钮. 2)创建一个项目 3)输入项目名称,比如我输入Orz_Jlx,然后点击finish 4)然后在左侧菜单选择Orz_Jlx项目,右键--new--class (此处用qq截图不大方便,故略去) 5)键入类名,如输入 main,如图,然后点击finish 6)编写代码 示例: public class main { public static void main(String
创建存储过程 CREATE procedure [dbo].[getdata_monitor_city_hour_hb] ), ) OUT as begin SET @test = '失败'; if not exists(select DATETIME FROM monitor_city_hour where city like 'hb%' and DATETIME =(select max(DATETIME) from monitor_site_hour where city like 'hb