package hibernate; public class t { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(jiecheng(10)); System.out.println(sum(10)); } //算阶乘的和 public static int sum(int i){ if(i>1){ return jiecheng(i)+sum(i-1); } return 1; } //算阶乘 public stati
先来普及一下深拷贝和浅拷贝的区别浅拷贝:就是简单的复制,用等号即可完成 let a = {a: 1} let b = a 这就完成了一个浅拷贝但是当修改对象b的时候,我们发现对象a的值也被改变了 b.a = 10 console.log(a.a) => 10 这是因为浅拷贝只复制了指向对象的指针,新旧对象共用同一块内存,修改某一个对象的同时也会把另一个都一并修改了 深拷贝:跟浅拷贝最简单明了的区别就是修改拷贝的对象,不会改变源对象利用Object.assign可以对只有一层的对象实现深拷贝,如下
问题 有A,B,C三个线程, A线程输出A, B线程输出B, C线程输出C.要求,同时启动三个线程, 按顺序输出ABC, 循环10次. 今天在写多线程的时候找例子,见到了这样一个题,觉得不难,但是在网上没有看见用volatile实现的,于是自己写一下记录下来. 代码 public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // write your code here for
一.输出1-100的数据 此处参考 with t(id) as ( as id from sysibm.sysdummy1 a union all ) select id from t 二.DB2输出每隔10分钟的数据 WITH TEMP(D_MINUTE) AS ( SELECT TIME('00:00:00') + A MINUTES FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 CROSS JOIN ())) ROW
Problem Description The company "21st Century Fruits" has specialized in creating new sorts of fruits by transferring genes from one fruit into the genome of another one. Most times this method doesn't work, but sometimes, in very rare cases, a