反反爬虫相关机制 Some websites implement certain measures to prevent bots from crawling them, with varying degrees of sophistication. Getting around those measures can be difficult and tricky, and may sometimes require special infrastructure. Please consider
反反爬虫相关机制 Some websites implement certain measures to prevent bots from crawling them, with varying degrees of sophistication. Getting around those measures can be difficult and tricky, and may sometimes require special infrastructure. Please consider
爬虫的本质就是“抓取”第二方网站中有价值的数据,因此,每个网站都会或多或少地采用一些反爬虫技术来防范爬虫.比如前面介绍的通过 User-Agent 请求头验证是否为浏览器.使用 JavaScript 动态加载资源等,这些都是常规的反爬虫手段. 下面针对更强的反爬虫技术提供一些解决方案. IP 地址验证 有些网站会使用 IP 地址验证进行反爬虫处理,程序会检查客户端的 IP 地址,如果发现同一个 IP 地址的客户端频繁地请求数据, 该网站就会判断该客户端是爬虫程序. 针对这种情况,我们可以让 Sc