from: AUC介绍 AUC(Area Under Curve)是机器学习二分类模型中非常常用的评估指标,相比于F1-Score对项目的不平衡有更大的容忍性,目前常见的机器学习库中(比如scikit-learn)一般也都是集成该指标的计算,其计算原理可以参考这个ROC和AUC介绍以及如何计算AUC,但是有时候模型是单独的或者自己编写的,此时想要评
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt iteration = [] loss = [] with open('/home/sensetime/log.txt','r') as file: for line in file: line = line.strip() if(line.find('Iteration') != -1): if(line.find('loss') != -1): line = line.split() line[5] = line[5].spli
Draw_ROC_Curves This is a python file which is used for drawing ROC curves -f : assign file name -t : assign file type -r : when draw picture, it means the row number -c : when draw picture, it means the column number -i : the input file and the type
1.首先说一下canvas类: Class Overview The Canvas class holds the "draw" calls. To draw something, you need 4 basic components: A Bitmap to hold the pixels, a Canvas to host the draw calls (writing into the bitmap), a drawing primitive (e.g. Rect, Path,
... 首先了解一下CGContextRef: An opaque type that represents a Quartz 2D drawing environment. Graphics Context是图形上下文,可以将其理解为一块画布,我们可以在上面进行绘画操作,绘制完成后,将画布放到我们的view中显示即可,view看作是一个画框. 自己学习时实现的demo,希望对大家有帮助,具体的实现看代码,并有完美的注释解释,还有一些对我帮助的博文供大家参考.都在代码里面. 看一下demo效果图
首先了解一下CGContextRef: An opaque type that represents a Quartz 2D drawing environment. Graphics Context是图形上下文,可以将其理解为一块画布,我们可以在上面进行绘画操作,绘制完成后,将画布放到我们的view中显示即可,view看作是一个画框. 自己学习时实现的demo,希望对大家有帮助,具体的实现看代码,并有完美的注释解释,还有一些对我帮助的博文供大家参考.都在代码里面. 看一下demo效果图先: 自
首先了解一下CGContextRef: An opaque type that represents a Quartz 2D drawing environment. Graphics Context是图形上下文,可以将其理解为一块画布,我们可以在上面进行绘画操作,绘制完成后,将画布放到我们的view中显示即可,view看作是一个画框. 自己学习时实现的demo,希望对大家有帮助,具体的实现看代码,并有完美的注释解释,还有一些对我帮助的博文供大家参考.都在代码里面. 看一下demo效果图先: 自