转自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/lyqmath 1 综述 Separating touching objects in an image is one of the more difficult image processing operations. The watershed transform is often applied to this problem. The watershed transform finds "catchment basins"(
C++: void distanceTransform(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int distanceType, int maskSize) 参数详解: InputArray src:输入的图像,一般为二值图像 OutputArray dst:输出的图像 int distanceType:所用的求解距离的类型. It can be CV_DIST_L1, CV_DIST_L2 , or CV_DIST_C mask_size 距离变换掩模的大小,可以
骨架提取与分水岭算法也属于形态学处理范畴,都放在morphology子模块内. 1.骨架提取 骨架提取,也叫二值图像细化.这种算法能将一个连通区域细化成一个像素的宽度,用于特征提取和目标拓扑表示. morphology子模块提供了两个函数用于骨架提取,分别是Skeletonize()函数和medial_axis()函数.我们先来看Skeletonize()函数. 格式为:skimage.morphology.skeletonize(image) 输入和输出都是一幅二值图像. 例1: from s
此程序为优化后的分水岭算法,避免了图像过分割 I= imread('D:\Images\pic_loc\1870405130305041503.jpg'); imshow(I); h=fspecial('sobel'); %h = fspecial(type) creates a two-dimensional filter h of the specified type. fspecial returns h as %a correlation kernel, which is the app