What's the difference between a single precision and double precision floating point operation? 0. 64-bits CPU 如果说一个 CPU 是 64 位机,通常意味着,其具有 64 位的通用寄存器(general purpose register)以及内存地址空间的大小(memory address size),这与最终执行的数学运算,是单精度还是双精度,没有关系. 1. 单精度 S EEEEE
先给一个参考文献:The RAM reported by the System Properties dialog box and the System Information tool is less than you expect in Windows Vista or in Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later version 先说结论: 1.PAE允许操作系统在32位模式下使用大于4G的物理内存. 2.不管是否使用PAE,对于单个进程而言,32位系统下可见