整理自Andrew Ng的machine learning课程 week2. 目录: 多元线性回归 Multivariates linear regression /MLR Gradient descent for MLR Feature Scaling and Mean Normalization Ensure gradient descent work correctly Features and polynomial regression Normal Equation Vectoriza
http://www.cnblogs.com/wzm-xu/p/4062266.html 多元线性回归----Java简单实现 学习Andrew N.g的机器学习课程之后的简单实现. 课程地址:https://class.coursera.org/ml-007 不大会编辑公式,所以略去具体的推导,有疑惑的同学去看看Andrew 的课程吧,顺带一句,Andrew的课程实在是很赞. 如果还有疑问,feel free to contact me via emails or QQ. LinearRe
利用TensorFlow实现多元线性回归,代码如下: # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from sklearn import linear_model from sklearn import preprocessing # Read x and y x_data = np.loadtxt("ex3x.dat").astype(np.float32) y_data = np.loadtxt