目录 一.FFmpeg简介. 二.FFmpeg常用参数及命令. 三.FFmpeg在Unity 3D中的使用. 1.FFmpeg 录屏. 2.FFmpeg 推流. 3.FFmpeg 其他功能简述. 一.FFmpeg简介 对于FFmpeg,其官网上是这样介绍的: FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play prett
在用ffmpeg转换视频到flv过程中,需要设置关键帧的间隔,以便在播放过程中实现精确定位.在网上查找了不少,最后发现这个指令有效: -g 1 -keyint_min 2 . http://blog.csdn.net/windflow/article/details/6228088 ’-g 0’ to disable motion estimation completely (you have only I-frames, which means it is about as good as J
#!/bin/bash original=$1 echo $original # check whether file is exist # if $original de chang du wei 0 huo bu $original bu shi chang gui wenjian if [ -z $original ] || [ ! -f $original ]; then echo "file $original not exist!" exit fi # check whet
1.音频/视屏转换工具VLC https://wiki.videolan.org/Mp3/#Container_formats http://wenku.baidu.com/view/ba73ac5c804d2b160b4ec05a.html?re=view https://wiki.videolan.org/How_to_Batch_Encode/ https://wiki.videolan.org/Transcode/ VLC supported video format to MP4 (