将矩阵输出到txt文件中的方法,遍寻网络,始见真经!!! fid=fopen('C:Documents and Settingscleantotal.ped','wt');%写入文件路径 matrix=input_mattrix %input_matrix为待输出矩阵 [m,n]=size(matrix); for i=1:1:m for j=1:1:n if j==n
参考: How to configure Log4j in JDev 11g Ever wanted to use log4j in your adf project ? Well though Oracle doesn't recommends the use of log4j, i say its purely your choice to use it or not. So how do we configure log4j in adf ? Pretty simple..just fo
最近在研究Zookeeper Storm Kafka, 顺便在本地搭了一套集群, 遇到了Zookeeper日志问题输出路径的问题, 发现zookeeper设置log4j.properties不能解决日志路径问题, 发现解决方案如下: 1. 修改log4j.properties, 这个大家都应该会改, 红色加粗处是我修改的, 但是改了这边还是不生效 # Define some default values that can be overridden by system properties zo