严重: A child container failed during start 严重: The required Server component failed to start so Tomcat is unable to start. 警告: A context path must either be an empty string or start with a '/' and do not end with a '/'. The path [/] does not meet thes
eclipse项目上面有个红叉,但是没有任何地方有错误,clear,refresh,重启都试过了,依然没用, 后来我换了一个workspace,编译的时候提示: Description Resource Path Location Type The project was not built due to "Could not delete ' 意思是编译的文件删不掉,因为要重新编译嘛, 然后找度娘,才知道,我eclipse刚才关闭方式错误,导致进程没关,kill掉进程,clear一下,ok;
Eclipse设置代码大括号的格式 编写代码有很多中风格,常见的三种风格: 1.K & R风格:这种风格的代码比较紧凑,优点是在教科书或者打印成纸张的时候比较省地方:缺点是大括号匹配问题,代码量大的话,不好找到上一个括号位置,只能通过后期注释标记 public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) } } 2.标准风格(BSD风格):这种风格显示代码比较松散,优点是层次分明,写出的代码简单易读:缺点是:浪费空间,尤其是打印代码的时