SELECT create_date AS 'SQL Server Installed Date', Expiry_date AS 'SQL Server Expiry Date', DATEDIFF(dd,create_date, GETDATE()) 'No_of_Days_Used', ABS(DATEDIFF(dd,expiry_date,GETDATE())) 'No_Of_Days_Left' FROM (SELECT sp.create_date, DATEADD(dd, 180,
问题: hadoop启动的时候报错 HTTP ERROR 500 Problem accessing /nn_browsedfscontent.jsp. Reason: Cannot issue delegation token. Name node is in safe mode. The reported blocks 0 needs additional 10 blocks to reach the threshold 0.9990 of total blocks 10. Safe mod
在ORACLE数据库中,如果一个比较大的索引在重建过程中耗费时间比较长,那么怎么查看索引重建耗费的时间,以及完成了多少(比例)了呢,我们可以通过V$SESSION_LONGOPS视图来查看索引重建的时间和进度. 官方文档关于V$SESSION_LONGOPS的介绍如下 V$SESSION_LONGOPS This view displays the status of various operations that run for longer than 6 seconds (in absolu
闲来无事,做了一个简约的Caching查看窗口,可以方便的查看本地缓存的使用情况: 下面的URL和VersionNum用来查看某个特定资源的特定版本是否存在,分别输入所需信息,点击“检测”,即可在下面显示出结果. 代码如下所示: using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class CachingViewer : EditorWindow { static CachingViewer window