1.判断列内是否有重复值: Dim arrT As Range Dim rng As Range Set arrT = Range("A:A")'判读A列单元格 For Each rng In arrT If rng = Empty Then'如果单元格为空就退出循环,否者循环65535次 Exit For End If k = Application.CountIf(arrT, rng)’用CountIf函数扫描出重复值,跟excel的CountIF函数一样 If k > 1
今天遇到了一个问题,就是从数据库中去除的数组为一个二维数组,现在就是想将二位数组进行去重,但是在php中,对于一个一维数组,我们可以直接使用php的系统函数array_unique,但是这个函数不能对多维数组进行去除重复,因此我需要自己写一个去除二维数组重复值的函数. function array_unique_fb($array2D){ foreach ($array2D as $v){ $v=join(',',$v);//降维,也可以用implode,将一维数组转换为用逗号连接的字符串 $t
Given an array of integers, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that the difference between nums[i] and nums[j] is at most t and the difference between i and j is at most k. 这道题跟之前两道Contains Duplicate 包含重复值和Conta
在生产环境中,我们有的列是不允许出现重复值的,亦或是某两列不允许同时重复,但由于前端未做限制,或者没限制住,出现了单列重复值,或者两列本应组成唯一组合却也出现重复,这两种情况都是不允许的.现在由于前端应用限制不住,要做删除操作后,添加唯一索引,从数据库层面进行限制,以下是处理过程: mysql> select * from aixuan1; +----+------+-------+ | id | text | text1 | +----+------+-------+ | 1 | aa
源数据是A1:G18,需求是在K列显示A1:A18中各单元格重复出现的次数.在L列中是用countif函数直接计算的, Private Sub test() Dim rng As Range, i As Integer i = For Each rng In Range("A1:A18") Range("I" & i) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A" & i &a
Sub 找出选定范围内不重复的值() On Error Resume Next Dim d As Object Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") For c_i = 1 To selection.Columns.Count For Each ce In selection.Columns(c_i).Cells 'd.Add ce.Value, 1 If ce <> "" Then 'D(ce.Val