存储过程都是一样的,只是根据自己的喜好,可以用MAP或者JAVABEAN传递参数. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Routine DDL -- Note: comments before and after the routine body will not be stored
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNameById] @studentid varchar(8), @studentname nvarchar(50) OUTPUT AS BEGIN SELECT @studentname=studentname FROM student WHERE studentid=@studentid if @@Error<>0 RETURN -1 else RETURN 0 END using (SqlConnection conn = new S
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNameById] @studentid varchar(), @studentname nvarchar() OUTPUT AS BEGIN SELECT @studentname=studentname FROM student WHERE studentid=@studentid RETURN - else RETURN END using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr)
1.直接上练习的存储过程,方便回想 create proc proc_output @totlecount int output, @pageIndex int, @pageSize intas declare @filter Nvarchar(800) if OBJECT_ID('Test.dbo.#temp3','U') IS NOT NULL begin drop table #temp3 end set @filter='select identity(int,1,1) as id,*
玛德,数据行都返回过来了,就是没有输出参数!!! 扒官方设计文档:这么一段 雷死人了!!! When a stored procedure is called using MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader, and the stored procedure has output parameters, the output parameters are only set after the MySqlDataReader returned by ExecuteReader i
表的结构,如以下: SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[T_4s_Menu]( [F_MenuID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [F_MenuName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [F_MenuUrl] [varchar](100) NULL, [F_ParentID] [int] NULL, [F_
1.存储过程结构 1.1 第一个存储过程 create or replace procedure proc1( para1 varchar2, para2 out varchar2, para3 in out varchar2 ) as v_name ); begin v_name :='zhangsf'; para3 := v_name; dbms_output.put_line('para3:'||para3);end; 上面就是一个最简单的存储过程.一个存储过程大体分为这么几个部分: 创建
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test_in_out_exception (v_empno VARCHAR2,v_guess_sal NUMBER,v_true_sal OUT NUMBER) AS v_exits ); v_sal emp.sal%TYPE; v_raise EXCEPTION; BEGIN ) INTO v_exits FROM emp t WHERE t.empno = v_empno; ) THEN SELECT t.sal INTO v_sal
--方法一 匿名块中直接 dbms_output输出declare v_sql varchar2(200); v_cursor sys_refcursor; type v_type is record( n1 varchar2(30)); v_rows v_type;begin v_sql := ' select substr(tax_organ_name,1,2) from sk_tax_organ n where n.up_tax_organ=''cde5a0d