Host 'XXX' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server 解决方案/如何开启MySQL的远程帐号 如何开启MySQL的远程帐号-1)首先以 root 帐户登陆 MySQL 在 Windows 主机中点击开始菜单,运行,输入“cmd”,进入控制台,然后cd 进入MySQL 的 bin 目录下,然后输入下面的命令. > MySQL -uroot -p123456 (123456 为 root 用户的密码.) C:\Program Files
System.Data.Entity.Core.ProviderIncompatibleException: An error occurred accessing the database. This usually means that the connection to the database failed. Check that the connection string is correct and that the appropriate DbContext constructor
Let’s say you’re building some sort of ingenious mechanical contraption to be displayed in public that involves using a Windows 10 tablet as an interface. You’ve written or found the perfect app to use this contraption with and now everything is set
Window下MySQL设置开启远程连接mysql数据库 1.新建用户远程连接mysql数据库grant all on *.* to admin@'%' identified by '123456' with grant option; flush privileges;允许任何ip地址(%表示允许任何ip地址)的电脑用admin帐户和密码(123456)来访问这个mysql server.注意admin账户不一定要存在. 2.支持root用户允许远程连接mysql数据库grant all pr
基础语法GRANT priv_type ON database.table TO user[IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password'] [,user [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']...] priv_type代表允许操作的权限. database.table代表数据库名.表名 注意*代表所有,如database.*代表该数据库的所有表,*.*代表所有数据库的所有表 user由用户名(User)和主机名(Hos
---只能本地访问,设置随意访问 update user set host='%' where host='localhost': flush privileges; ---随意访问,设置只能本地访问 update user set host = "localhost" where user = "hello" and host= "%"; flush privileges; ---设置固定的ip可以访问 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES
公司有个mysql的数据库放在221服务器上,做手机app数据库连接的时候,本地调试没问题,一旦更新到外网142手机服务器(,就是数据库连接超时.想到可能是mysql没设置142访问的权限. 1.设置任意主机以root账号以root111密码进行连接 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'root111' WITH GRANT OPTION; flush privileges; 设置完发现