本文介绍币安Binance API General API Information The base endpoint is: https://api.binance.com All endpoints return either a JSON object or array. Data is returned in ascending order. Oldest first, newest last. All time and timestamp related fields are in m
本文介绍币安Binance API Websocket General WSS information The base endpoint is: wss://stream.binance.com:9443 Streams can be access either in a single raw stream or a combined stream Raw streams are accessed at /ws/<streamName> Combined streams are access
CBT币未来升值千倍?揭秘为何比特云币注册认证送矿机? 比特云币先机先机,1月6号准备启动,虚拟货币新宠云比特(Cloud Bit 简称CBT)将于近日强势登陆交易市场.这款由全球最大的比特矿工联盟发起的虚拟货币,产量为2100万枚,每年矿工产量将以50%幅度逐年递减,预计十年挖完.据悉,一位业内资深人士在微信透露,云比特像是一个沉睡的巨人,上市后价值将成爆炸性增长. 一年内价值至少增长1000倍,进入交易市场后CBT币值预计将达万倍乃至数百万倍,实力媲美比特币.目前,交易市场已向出身高贵的云比