DIV CSS实现文字竖排排版显示兼容各大浏览器,让文字垂直竖列排版布局. 有时我们需要一段文字进行从上到下竖列排版,我们知道CSS样式中有一样式可以让其竖列排版,但所有浏览器不全兼容,逼不得已放弃.但DIVCSS5有2中方法对文字字体实现竖排显示,在接下来通过知识讲解与实例案例演示让大家中文让文字字体垂直竖排显示. 实际的文字垂直竖排显示截图 一.原始使用writing-mode属性-不推荐 - TOP 语法:writing-mode:lr-tb或writing-mode:tb-rl
A floated box is shifted to the left or right until its outer edge touches the containing block edge or the outer edge of another float. If there's a line box, the top of the floated box is aligned with the top of the current line box. 由上面的描述可以得到以下结
浮动标准: W3C CSS 2.1 规范文档里对于浮动元素与非浮动行内元素相邻时的情况有如下解释.以下是关键段落: A floated box is shifted to the left or right until its outer edge touches the containing block edge or the outer edge of another float. If there's a line box, the top of the floated box is al
RM8005: IE6 IE7 IE8(Q) 中行内元素后相邻的浮动元素在某些情况下会折行放置在之前行内元素所在行框的底部 标准参考 W3C CSS 2.1 规范文档里对于浮动元素与非浮动行内元素相邻时的情况有如下解释.以下是关键段落: A floated box is shifted to the left or right until its outer edge touches the containing block edge or the outer edge of another f