chunk模块用于读取TIFF格式的文件,打开应该使用二进制模式 TIFF 标签图像文件格式 import chunk import chunk f=open('E:\\test.tiff','rb') print(type(f)) html=chunk.Chunk(f) print(html.getname()) print(html.getsize()) help('chunk') Help on module chunk: NAME chunk - Simple class to read
默认情况下,Elasticsearch 用 JSON 字符串来表示文档主体保存在 _source 字段中.像其他保存的字段一样,_source 字段也会在写入硬盘前压缩.The _source is stored as a binary blob (which is compressed by Lucene with deflate or LZ4) 其实就是多个_source合并到一个chunk里进行LZ4压缩! 对于Solr来说:Solr4.8.0里面使用的fdt和fdx的格式是lucene4
用pt-table-checksum校验数据时有以下报错,是因为current chunk size大于默认chunk size limit=2.0 24636 rows -02T20:: Skipping chunk of log_2017.log_wechat_down_content_2017_7 because it is oversized. The current chunk size limit is rows (chunk size= * chunk size limit= ro
使用mongo shell连到mongos执行命令:AllChunkInfo("dbname.cellname",true) 点击(此处)折叠或打开 AllChunkInfo = function(ns, est){ var chunks = db.getSiblingDB("config").chunks.find({"ns" : ns}).sort({min:1}); //this will return all chunks for the
去年的笔记 For instance, if a chunk represents a single shard key value, then MongoDB cannot split the chunk even when the chunk exceeds the size at which splits occur. 如果一个chunk只包含一个分片键值,mongodb 就不会split这个chunk,即使这个chunk超过了 chunk需要split时的大小.所以分片键的选择非常重要.