工作中要用到 Oracle 9i,经常要向其中的某张表插入事件发生的日期及时间.专门就 Oracle 的日期及时间显示方式和插入方式记一笔. 像 Number,varchar2 等内置的数据类型一样,Oracle 用 Date 这个内置的数据类型来存储日期和时间.和 MS SQL Server 一样,日期和时间是存储在一个数据类型里的,没有只存储时间或只存储日期的单独的时间和日期数据类型.DATE 数据类型存储年月日和时分秒. 当显示 DATE 类型的数据时,Oracle 先要把存储的值从内部保
Insert into JHAC_TB_CODE(CID,CODE,ADD_TIME,USERID,PRO_CODE,USERNAME) select f_code.FID,f_code.Fcode,f_code.ADDDATE,f_code.USERS,f_code.CPCODE,f_code.USERNAME from f_codewhere f_code.Adddate between to_date('201201','yyyy-mm') and to_date('201301'
我有个新闻表 id,title,body,createtime,author,click 使用ef4.1 仅仅读取 id,title,createtime 并显示在页面上. public static List<NewInfo> GetHotNews() { List<NewInfo> list; list = (from n in db.NewInfoes where n.IsTop == 1 orderby n.PublishTime descending select new
我有个新闻表 id,title,body,createtime,author,click 使用ef4.1 仅仅读取 id,title,createtime 并显示在页面上. public static List<NewInfo> GetHotNews() { List<NewInfo> list; list = (from n in db.NewInfoes where n.IsTop == 1 orderby n.PublishTime descending select new
create table testTable ( id number, name ) ) select * from testTable ,'user1') ,'') ,null) select count(id) from testTable t where t.name='' select count(id) from testTable t where t.name is null or t.name!='' select id,nvl(name,'null') from testTabl
declare @tablename varchar(200)declare @sql varchar(2000)declare cur_t cursor forselect name from sysobjects where xtype= 'U ' and status> =0 and name not in (select name from sysobjects where id in (select id from syscolumns where id in (select id f
删除一个信息表中除id外其他字段都相同的冗余信息,如下 id name addr 1 a b 2 a b 3 b c 删除这个表中的冗余信息 即应该是 id name addr 1 a b 3 b c 设table为t Sql:delete from tableName where id not in (select min(id) from tableName group by name, addr…)
create or replace trigger t before update on test5 for each rowbegin insert into test55 values (:old.id,:old.name);end ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --表中插入数据时ID自动增长 create table ttt (id numbe
当使用Merge into 函数向ORACLE数据库中插入或更新数据时,报错“ORA-01461: 仅可以为插入 LONG 列的 LONG 值赋值”,使用如下方法可以把String转换为clob. 需要引入 JDBC drivers (ojdbc14.jar or ojdbc5.jar) CLOB tempClob = CLOB.createTemporary(conn, true, CLOB.DURATION_SESSION);//Open the temporary CLOB in read