转自:http://hi.baidu.com/lvneng/item/8147dcbb1436bfd085dd7962 当使用 Word 写论文或稿件时,Endnote 绝对是一个不错的帮手,不过偶尔会出现一些莫名其妙的问题,比如最近就遇到打开 Word 卡死的问题,初步怀疑是 Endnote 与 Word 在某个功能上的冲突导致的.这罪魁祸首归因于 Word 中的标记语法错误检查.因为 Endnote 插入到 Word 中其实都是些域代码,所以开启该检查功能,可能导致检查假死. 1. 打开 W
E. Fire http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/864/E Polycarp is in really serious trouble — his house is on fire! It's time to save the most valuable items. Polycarp estimated that it would take ti seconds to save i-th item. In addition, for each