1.简单的存储过程 create procedure porc_name as select * from 表 go 调用时: exec proc_name 2. 带参数的存储过程 create procedure proc_name @id int, @name nvarchar(50) as select * from 表 where name=@name and id=@id go 调用时: exec proc_name 22,'李四' 3.带输出参数的存储过程 create proc p
create procedure proc_page_withtopmax( @pageIndex int,--页索引 @pageSize int,--每页显示数 @pageCount int output,--总页数,输出参数 @totalCount int output--总条数)asbeginset nocount on; declare @sql nvarchar(1000)set @sql='select top 10 * from tb_testtable where (id> (s
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNameById] @studentid varchar(8), @studentname nvarchar(50) OUTPUT AS BEGIN SELECT @studentname=studentname FROM student WHERE studentid=@studentid if @@Error<>0 RETURN -1 else RETURN 0 END using (SqlConnection conn = new S
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNameById] @studentid varchar(), @studentname nvarchar() OUTPUT AS BEGIN SELECT @studentname=studentname FROM student WHERE studentid=@studentid RETURN - else RETURN END using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr)
1.直接上练习的存储过程,方便回想 create proc proc_output @totlecount int output, @pageIndex int, @pageSize intas declare @filter Nvarchar(800) if OBJECT_ID('Test.dbo.#temp3','U') IS NOT NULL begin drop table #temp3 end set @filter='select identity(int,1,1) as id,*
玛德,数据行都返回过来了,就是没有输出参数!!! 扒官方设计文档:这么一段 雷死人了!!! When a stored procedure is called using MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader, and the stored procedure has output parameters, the output parameters are only set after the MySqlDataReader returned by ExecuteReader i
今天在做统计数据的时候,传入数组导致数据不显示.解决方式和大家分享一下: --参数@CompanyName='北京,天津,上海' DECLARE @PointerPrev int DECLARE @PointerCurr int DECLARE @TName nvarchar(100) Set @PointerPrev=1 while (@PointerPrev < LEN(@CompanyName)) Begin Set @PointerC
output 输出参数 在C# 中的获取方法 新建存储过程 create proc Test @ID int, @maxnum int output as begin declare @num int select id,name,sex from T1 where id = @ID select @num=max(num) from T2 where id = @ID set @maxnum = @num end go C#中获取输出参数\ Database _db = DatabaseFac
create or replace procedure test_score(input in number,output out char) is begin then begin output := 'A'; end; end if; then begin output := 'B'; end; end if; then begin output := 'C'; end; end if; then begin output := 'D'; end; end if; then begin ou