8.3 Margin of Error 由该公式可知: To improve the precision of the estimate, we need to decrease the margin of error, E. Because the sample size, n, occurs in the denominator of the formula for E, we can decrease E by increasing the sample size. 可以通过减小Z或增大n
在做图片处理的时候最常遇到的问题估计就是Out Of Memory (内存溢出)了 网上对这种问题的解决方案很多,原来无非就是压缩图片大小 本不该重复造轮子,但实际中却遇见了问题,写出来希望后来者能引以为戒,并给出一个自我感觉不错的方案 常用的一种解决方案: FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(file);BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inS
7.3 The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean population:1000:Scale are normally distributed with mean 100 and standard deviation 16 sample:4:可以得到样本均值的分布图如下: 与通过公式计算得到的mean 和 标准差一致:μx¯ = μ = 100 and σx¯ = σ/√n = 16/√4 = 8; 由图可知The histogram is sha
7.2 The Mean and Standard Deviation of the Sample Mean Recall that the mean of a variable is denoted μ, subscripted if necessary with the letter representing the variable. So the mean of x is written as μx , the mean of y as μy , and so on. In parti
A/B testing主要用来检测网站或者APP的两个版本中哪一个更好,它的中心思想是把流量一分为二,一份用作experiment group,访问新的版本,另一份用作control group,访问旧的版本. 假设现在有一个网站,要测试是否增大网页Register的字体,可以增加注册用户. 进行AB testing,首先要选择Unit of Diversion, 就是把实验分成两组的标准.在这个实验中,可以选择unique cookies to view the web page. 然后要选定
import numpy import theano.tensor as T from theano import function x = T.dscalar('x') y = T.dscalar('y') z = x + y f = function([x, y], z)numpy.allclose(f(16.3, 12.1), 28.4) 输出为truenumpy.allclose(z.eval({x:16.3, y:12.1}, 28.4)) 输出为true tensor:高维数组,T
1.Redis中key的的过期时间 通过EXPIRE key seconds命令来设置数据的过期时间.返回1表明设置成功,返回0表明key不存在或者不能成功设置过期时间.在key上设置了过期时间后key将在指定的秒数后被自动删除.被指定了过期时间的key在Redis中被称为是不稳定的. 当key被DEL命令删除或者被SET.GETSET命令重置后与之关联的过期时间会被清除> setex s 20 1 OK> ttl s (intege
Source: Sigma Zone, by Philip Mayfield The Binomial Distribution is commonly used in statistics in a variety of applications. Binomial data and statistics are presented to us daily. For example, in the election of political officials we may be asked