如果你对项目管理.系统架构有兴趣,请加微信订阅号"softjg",加入这个PM.架构师的大家庭 净现值(NPV) Net Present Value 在项目计算期内,按行业基准折现率或其他设定的折现率计算的各年净现金流量现值的代数和. 净现值是指投资方案所产生的现金净流量以资金成本为贴现率折现之后与原始投资额现值的差额.净现值法就是按净现值大小来评价方案优劣的一种方法. 净现值大于零则方案可行,且净现值越大,方案越优,投资效益越好. NPV=∑(CI-CO)/(1+i)^t 示例
Dlsj is competing in a contest with n (0 < n \le 20)n(0<n≤20) problems. And he knows the answer of all of these problems. However, he can submit ii-th problem if and only if he has submitted (and passed, of course) s_isi problems, the p_{i, 1}pi,1