Shader.Find 查找 static function Find (name : string) : Shader Description描述 Finds a shader with the given name. 查找名为name的着色器. Shader.Find can be used to switch to another shader without having to keep a reference to the shader. name is the name you ca
目录:[Swift]Xcode实际操作 本文将演示如何遍历文件夹下的内容. 在项目导航区,打开视图控制器的代码文件[ViewController.swift] import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from
批量注册当前文件夹中的dll和ocx 新建文件:RegisterDllAndOcx.bat @echo off echo hello,girl~~ for %%i in (*.dll *.ocx) do ( echo %% register is starting... C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe %%i /s echo %%i register is finished... ) pause 备注:可根据显示需要,酌情修改~