一个需求,网上了半天都是错了,所以记一下吧,方便你我. copy是文件拷贝,文件夹拷贝需要用到xcopy @echo off::当前盘符set curPath=%cd%set digPath ="%curPath%tool\dig"set PATH=%PATH%;%digPath%wmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='path' and username='<system>'" set VariableValue="%pa
shell脚本能帮我们简化linux下的一些工作,现在有个需求,把TMPA文件夹下大于2000B的文件都移动到TMPB下 #! /bin/bash function movefiles() { ` do ] then mv $"/"$file fi done } movefiles "/home/jimmyxu/TMPA" "/home/jimmyxu/TMPB" 脚本很简单,使用for循环遍历第一个输入路径下的文件,使用stat获取文件的属性值
If you want to upload there media files to another place in the same instance of IIS, for example a different folder, there are several things you can do. 1) map your other location to the /media folder on your site as a virtual folder in IIS. That w
import os,shutil def copy_search_file(srcDir, desDir): ls = os.listdir(srcDir) for line in ls: filePath = os.path.join(srcDir, line) if os.path.isfile(filePath): print filePath shutil.copy(filePath, desDir)