用ctrl+r切换到对象的目录,以管理圆的身份执行 npm cache clean first. If that doesn’t fix things, take a look in %APPDATA%\npm-cache, or if you’re using PowerShell, $env:APPDATA\npm-cache. After cleaning the cache, you may still be left with remnants. Manually remove eve
前端我刚开始接触Vue,从GitHub上下载了代码程序,但缺少一些插件,用vscode打开并下载插件执行报错cd() never called! 解决的方式 1.执行cmd命令行不要再vscode里执行,因为哪个不一定是管理人员模式打开的. 2.用管理员身份打开cmd命令行,目录定位到程序的文件上,随后执行npm cache clean -f清理一下. 3.随后再执行一下npm install它就成功了,而且正常下载,最后再执行一下npm run dev ,项目正常运行,OK了.说明还是得要管理
npm WARN registry Unexpected warning for https://registry.npmjs.org/: Miscellaneous Warning ETIMEDOUT: request to https://registry.npmjs.org/@babel%2fparser failed, reason: connect ETIMEDOUT WARN registry Using stale package data
报错: ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! metools@1.0.0 dev: `node build/dev-server.js` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the metools@1.0.0 dev script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additi