SQL Server数据库备份的镜像 一个完整备份可以分开镜像 USE master GO BACKUP DATABASE [testdatabase] TO DISK = N'C:\testdatabase1.bak' MIRROR TO DISK = N'D:\testdatabase2.bak' WITH FORMAT, INIT GO 一个完整备份可以先条带化,然后再分开镜像 USE master GO BACKUP DATABASE [testdatabase] TO DISK = N
一.mysql用户管理 grant all on *.* to 'user1'@‘’ identified by 'mimA123'; 创建user1用户 使用user1登录 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uuser1 -pmimA123 -h127.0.0.1 变为localhost,不加-h也能登录 mysql> grant all on *.* to 'user1'@'localhost' identified by 'mimA123'; [ro
1.数据备份 ) ) ) )),'-','') ) SET @savePath = 'f:/DatabaseBackup/' DECLARE My_Cursor CURSOR FOR ( select name from sys.databases where name not like '%tmp%' and name not like '%temp%' and name not like '%master%' and name not like '%model%' and name not
1. mydb.php //DB类 2. backup.php //备份脚本 3. restore.php //还原脚本 mydb.php <? class db{ var $linkid; var $sqlid; var $record; function db($host="",$username="",$password="",$database="") { if(!$this->linkid) @$this