“reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key” 意思是:重新启动并选择正确的启动设备或插入开机媒体选择启动. 而检测硬盘成功就能进入系统. 硬盘检测失败的原因: 1:主板BIOS没电,或者BIOS设置有错误,记不到硬盘信息,如果你的系统日期不正确的话,很可能是这个原因. 解决办法:更换BIOS电池,重新进BIOS内检测硬盘.将机箱打开,将主板上那
安装完xcode6.1后,将其改名为Xcode6.1.app,再移动个位置,启动模拟器,问题来了: Unable to boot device in current state: Creating 解决办法: You will need to delete this device from your simulator and recreate it. From inside the iOS Simulator application menu, choose Hardware > Device
内网的linux服务器给开发员用来测试以及共享文件使用,今天早上发现xshell连接不上该服务器,一开始进入系统显示reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key,然后进入bios查看boot的启动选,查看并没有磁盘,再看bios显示的时间是昨晚凌晨3点的时间,时间不准确一般是主板的电池没电了,我设置了每周日凌晨两点重启电脑,因为主板电池没电导致系统
查看服务器型号 wmic csproduct get name 查看序列号 wmic bios get serialnumber 查看内存 wmic memorychip list brief ===================================== https://www.jb51.net/article/49986.htm 如何在windows系统自带命令查看硬件信息,怎样dos命令查看硬盘和内存/CPU信息?最直接的是:开始→运行→CMD打开命令提示符,在该窗口下输入sy
HOWTO: Unpack, Edit, and Repack Boot Images http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=443994 Several people have already figured out the details on their own, but I have gotten requests to do a more comprehensive tutorial on how the boot and r