强迫症必治: WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable 为了去掉这个警告! 这个本地库是需要根据当前所用的环境编译的,否则就会出现这个警告,但是对我们的任务处理没什么影响. (但有博主提出:官方给的编译后的包是基于32位jvm编译的,在64位jvm上运行,不能发挥性能优势),既然不
How to install OpenResty 15 January 2014, 6:18 am OpenResty, also called “ngx_openresty”, is a web application server based on the Nginx core, it also contains lot of 3rd party Nginx modules and most of its system dependencies. OpenResty is not an