引用自NCBI的概念(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/docs/rs_attributes.html#gmaf) Global minor allele frequency (MAF): dbSNP is reporting the minor allele frequency for each rs included in a default global population. Since this is being provided
:或者1.简单介绍 固定指数(FST)是一种由遗传结构决定的种群分化指标.它通常是由遗传多态性数据,如单核苷酸多态性(SNP)或微卫星估计.作为莱特f统计的一个特例,它是种群遗传学中最常用的统计方法之一. 2.Definition 两个最常用的FST定义是基于群体间等位基因频率的方差,以及由血统决定身份的概率. 或者 p ¯ {\displaystyle {\bar {p}}} is the average frequency of an allele in the total populati
摘要:Wright’s F‑statistics, and especially FST, provide important insights into the evolutionary processes that influence the structure of genetic variation within and among populations, and they are among the most widely used descriptive statistics in