在进行latex引用时,有两种办法: 一,被动引用. 如有这样一段代码: $$ x^2+y^2= z^2.\eqno(1.1) $$ In this paper, we investigated (1.1) and applied it into some fields. 红色部分为被动引用,其缺点显而易见:如果公式(1.1)的编号修改之后,引用出的编号也得跟着修改才行,麻烦且易出错. 因此推荐下一种引用方式. 二,自动引用. 如有这样一段代码: \begin{ea}\label{equ:squ
1 \begin{flalign*} 2 % In this way (this arrange of &), the equation will in the center and align at the third &. If use this method for 'split', equations will not be centered 3 % However, 'flalign' will give each line a separate number. It canno