var province = '' ;var city = '' ;jQuery.getScript("",function(){ province = remote_ip_info["province"]; city = remote_ip_info["city"]; alert(city) //弹出城市名称}) ;
Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at com.hy.ColumnSeeker.fetchAll
海康威视提供的ipserver可以记录DVR设备的IP地址,并提供一个7071的端口给客户端查询用,我们在c#程序中可以用海康SDK包中的NET_DVR_GetDVRIPByResolveSvr函数来查询,程序中对这个函数的声明为: // 通过解析服务器,获取设备的动态IP地址 [DllImport("HCNetSDK.dll")] public static extern bool NET_DVR_GetDVRIPByResolveSvr(string s
WIN7批处理设置IP地址不成功,显示“The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.”错误, 解决方法:将“本地连接”换成“Local Area Connection”,注意这个是要设置的网卡的名字,在设置IP地址的地方显示的名字. @echo off title DHCP动态自动获取IP设置 echo DHCP动态自动获取IP设置... set name=Local Area Connection nets