沉淀再出发:用python画各种图表 一.前言 最近需要用python来做一些统计和画图,因此做一些笔记. 二.python画各种图表 2.1.使用turtle来画图 import turtle as t #turtle库是python的内部库,直接import使用即可 import time def draw_diamond(turt): for i in range(1,3): turt.forward(100) #向前走100步 turt.right(45) #海龟头向右转45度 turt
// Set to false to disable this control//鼠标控制是否可用 this.enabled = true; // "target" sets the location of focus, where the object orbits around//聚焦坐标 this.target = new THREE.Vector3(); // How far you can dolly in and out ( PerspectiveCamera only )