When to use MIXIN? Better way to use MIXIN is when you deal with browser prefiex, for example: @mixin transition($val...){ -webkit-transition: $val; -moz-transition: $val; transition: $val; } Because when you use mixin, actually you just copy the mix
SASS安装及使用(sass教程.详细教程) 采用SASS开发CSS,可以提高开发效率. SASS建立在Ruby的基础之上,所以得先安装Ruby. Ruby的安装: 安装 rubyinstaller-2.3.0-x64.exe 注:在安装的时候,请勾选Add Ruby executables to your PATH这个选项,添加环境变量,不然以后使用编译软件的时候会提示找不到ruby环境. SASS的安装: 安装完ruby之后,在开始菜单中,找到刚才我们安装的ruby,打开Start Comm
note: Some articles are very good in http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/,I share them in the Cnblog so that Chinese hardware engineers can enjoy and learn. ComeFrom:http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/filter/filter_4.html The cut-off frequency or