With XAF, you can build new applications from scratch or maintain existing databases. The How to: Generate XPO Business Classes for Existing Data Tables topic describes how to use the design-time wizard that generates business classes for one or more
回顾: 1.sql99中的表连接 select 字段列表 from 左表 {[inner]|{left|right|full} [outer]} join 右表 on 关联条件; 集合操作 union union all intersect minus 组函数和分组 3.1 组函数 count * max min sum avg distinct NULL 3.2 分组 group by having 语法: select from where group by having order by
最近在看Qt的Model/View Framework,在网上搜了搜,好像中文的除了几篇翻译没有什么有价值的文章.E文的除了Qt的官方介绍,其它文章也很少.看到一个老外在blog中写道Model/View是他认为Qt中最不好的一部分了.真的是这样吗?为了回馈开源社区,我写了这篇blog,写的是我认为比较有价值的东东.题目起得是解析,但也没有特别细节的介绍,点到为止,有兴趣的Tx可以继续讨论.我所看的资料有<C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, Second Edition