quote: For Windows 10: First of all, install the intelhaxm-android.exe located in the folder SDK\extras\Intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager if it gives error during installation then try these solution. First all enable the virtualization fr
Intel HAXM is required to run this AVD,VT-x is disabled in BIOS;Enable VT-x in your BIOS security settings (refer to documentation for your computer) . 意思是让进入你的BIOS系统中将BIOS中的VT-x 给开启了. 解决方案:重启电脑.按F10 (惠普电脑) 然后进入到BIOS中. 选择 系统设置 -> 处理器虚拟化技术 将这个选项开启 .
MCSDK简介 BIOS MCSDK是为TI的高性能多核DSP提供的一套组件,包括: SYS/BIOS实时操作系统 Chip support libraries, drivers, and basic platform utilities Run-time libraries (OpenMP, OpenEM) Interprocessor communication for communication across cores and devices Basic networking stack
如果系统进不去.请参考如下方法收集日志. 请准备个U 盘,容量在8G以下(含8G),否则会识别不到. 图片参考,以描述为准 F2 enter BIOS option--> Enter the Device Setting 2. Enter the Raid controller which you need to export the log 3. Enter the Controller Management 4.1 从这里开始分成2部分:Controller events 和 Deb