ex1.py print("hello world!",end = " ")#不换行 print("hello again") print("I like typing this.") print("This is fun.") print("Yay!Printing.") print("I'd much rather you 'not'.") print('I &q
黑客余弦先生在知道创宇的知道创宇研发技能表v3.1中提到了入门Python的一本好书<Learn Python the Hard Way(英文版链接)>.其中的代码全部是2.7版本. 如果你觉得英文版看着累,当当网有中文版,也有电子版可以选择. 我试着将其中的代码更新到Python 3.同时附上一些自己的初学体会,希望会对你有帮助. 中文版有人把书名翻译为<笨办法学python>,其实我觉得叫做<学Python,不走寻常路>更有意思些. 作者的意思你可以在序言中详细了解
#命名.变量.代码.函数 #this one is like your scripts with argv def print_two(*args): arg1, arg2 = args #将参数解包 print(f"arg1: {arg1}, arg2: {arg2}") ''' (*args) 里面*的意思:告诉Python把所有的参数都接收进来,放到名叫args的列表中去 ''' #ok,that's *agrs is actually pointless(无意义的),we ca
ex13.py argv参数的学习 #argv:参数变量(argument variable),这是一个标准的编程术语,在其他语言中也可可以看到.argument可译为: 参数 #如果参数是用户在执行命令时就要输入,用argv.命令行参数都是字符串 #如果参数是在脚本运行过程中需要用户输入 ,用input() from sys import argv #read the WYSS section for how to run this #将argv解包(unpack),把参数赋值给4个变量:s
ex11.py print("How old are you? ",end = " ") #加入end = " ",则函数不再自动换行 age = input() print("How tall are you?",end = " ") height = input() print("How much do you weigh?",end = " ") weight
学习笔记记录一下 def cheese_and_crackers(cheese_count, boxes_of_crackers): print (f"You have {cheese_count} cheeses!") print (f"You have {boxes_of_crackers} boxes of crackers!") print ("Man that's enough for a party!") print ("G
阅读<笨方法学python3>,归纳的知识点 相关代码详见github地址:https://github.com/BMDACMER/Learn-Python 习题1:安装环境+练习 print函数使用 主要区别双引号和单引号的区别 习题2:注释符号# 习题3:运算符优先级,跟C/C++, Java类似 以下运算符优先级:从下往下以此递增,同行为相同优先级 Lambda #运算优先级最低 逻辑运算符: or 逻辑运算符: and 逻辑运算符:not 成员测试: in, not in 同一性测
笨办法学python 13题 代码: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from sys import argv # argv--argument variable 参数变量 script, first, second, third = argv print "the script is called:", script print "your first variable is:", first print "your second var