using System; using System.Threading; using System.Collections.Generic; class ProducerConsumerQueue : IDisposable { EventWaitHandle _wh = new AutoResetEvent (false); Thread _worker; readonly object _locker = new object(); Queue<string> _tasks = new
如果一个线程运行完成,就会结束.可很多情况并非这么简单,由于某种特殊原因,当线程还未执行完时,我们就想中止它.不恰当的中止往往会引起一些未知错误.比如:当关闭主界面的时候,很有可能次线程正在运行,这时,就会出现如下提示:QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running这是因为次线程还在运行,就结束了UI主线程,导致事件循环结束.这个问题在使用线程的过程中经常遇到,尤其是耗时操作.在此问题上,常见的两种人:1.直接忽略此问题.2.强制中止 - ter
Xv6的lecture LEC 1 Operating systems L1: O/S overview L1:O/S概述 * 6.828 goals 6.828的目标 Understand operating systems in detail by designing and implementing a small O/S 通过设计并实现一个小型的系统在细节上理解操作系统. Hands-on experience with building systems("Applyin
Chapter 0 第0章 Operating system interfaces 操作系统接口 The job of an operating system is to share a computer among multiple programs and to provide a more useful set of services than the hardware alone supports. The operating system manages and abstracts t