转:装完Centos7提示Initial setup of CentOS Linux 7 (core) 在用U盘装完CentOS后,重新开机启动后显示: Initial setup of CentOS Linux 7 (core) 1) [x] Creat user 2) [!] License information (no user will be created) (license not accepted) Please make your choice from above ['q
装完RHEL7后,重新开机启动后显示: 1) [x] Creat user 2) [!] License information (no user will be created) (license not accepted) Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'c' to continue | 'r' to refresh]: 解决方法: 输入"1",按Enter键 输入"2",按Enter键 输入
CentOS7安装完毕,重新开机启动后显示: Initial setup of CentOS Linux 7 (core) 1) [x] Creat user 2) [!] License information (no user will be created) (license not accepted) Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'c' to continue | 'r' to refresh]: 解决方法: 输入“
在了解了linux终端和其搭配的基本Shell(默认为bash)的基础下,我们就可以在终端中用vi/vim编辑器编写一个shell的脚本程序了 Shell既为一种命令解释解释工具,又是一种脚本编程语言,用各种shell下的命令和一些特定的语法结构就可以组成一个Shell脚本程序,shell脚本程序是一个纯文本文件,但在执行之前不需要任何操作.我们可以通过写一些脚本来让我们更方便的对文件进行操作,以及做一些shell的测试. 1:打开终端,进入保存程序的目录,命令行输入 vi test.sh(Sh
package it.cast.jdbc; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class Base { public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { test