VisualStudio开发过程中碰到C1061报错,查了MSDN,文档说明如下 从说明中我们明白这是由于我们的代码块嵌套太深,超过了编译器的限制.但我理解为应该是同一个域内块的数量太多,超过了编译器限制.示例代码如下: void Demo1() { for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { cout << i << " "; } cout << endl; -重复200个 for( int i = 0; i < 1
E/AndroidRuntime( 1900): java.lang.StackOverflowError E/AndroidRuntime( 1900): at E/AndroidRuntime( 1900): at android.text.Layout.draw( E/AndroidRuntime( 1900): at android
Oracle 存储过程异常处理 1.异常的优点 如果没有异常,在程序中,应当检查每个命令的成功还是失败,如 BEGIN SELECT ... -- check for ’no data found’ error SELECT ... -- check for ’no data found’ error SELECT ... -- check for ’no data found’ error 这种实现的方法缺点在于错误处理没有与正常处理分开,可读性差,使用异常,可以方便处理 Chinese translated version of Documentation/CodingStyle If you have any comment or update to the content, please post to LKML directly.However, if you have problem communicating in English yo
What is a namespace? A namespace defines an area of code in which all identifiers are guaranteed to be unique. By default, all variables and functions are defined in the global namespace. For example, take a look at the following snippet: 1 2 3 4 5 i
都是一些非常非常基础的题,是我最近参加各大IT公司笔试后靠记忆记下来的,经过整理献给与我一样参加各大IT校园招聘的同学们,纯考Java基础功底,老手们就不用进来了,免得笑话我们这些未出校门的孩纸们,但是IT公司就喜欢考这些基础的东西,所以为了能进大公司就~~~当复习期末考吧.花了不少时间整理,在整理过程中也学到了很多东西,请大家认真对待每一题~~~ 下面都是我自己的答案非官方,仅供参考,如果有疑问或错误请一定要提出来,大家一起进步啦~~~ 1. 下面哪些是Thread类的方法() A s
Chinese translated version of Documentation/CodingStyle If you have any comment or update to the content, please post to LKML directly. However, if you have problem communicating in English you can also ask the Chinese maintainer for help. Contact