[题目1] A record is modified on 1/1/2008. It meets criteria for a time-based workflow rule; this rule schedules an action for 7 days after rule execution. On 1/4/2008 the record is modified and no longer meets workflow rule criteria. On 1/5/2008 the re
[OCP|052]OCP最新题库解析(052)--小麦苗解答版 OCP最新题库解析历史连接(052):http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bUgn4-uciSndji_pUbLZfA ⊙ [OCP最新题库解析(052)--题3]Which two are true about external tables?⊙ [OCP最新题库解析(052)--题2]...is true about FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET⊙ [OCP最新题库解析(052)--题1]Whic
『Python题库 - 填空题』Python笔试填空题 part 1. Python语言概述和Python开发环境配置 part 2. Python语言基本语法元素(变量,基本数据类型, 基础运算) part 3. Python中的程序控制结构 (Python if判断,for和while循环相关知识点) part 4. Python中的代码复用(Python函数相关知识点) part 5. Python面向对象编程(类,异常,库) part 6. Python文件操作 part 1