交换相邻两数 如果只是交换相邻两数,那么最少交换次数为该序列的逆序数. 交换任意两数 数字的总个数减去循环节的个数?? A cycle is a set of elements, each of which is in the place of another. So in example sequences { 2, 1, 4, 3}, there are two cycles: {1, 2} and {3, 4}. 1 is in the place where 2 needs to G
Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number.The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, where index1 mu
(这也是一道leetcode的经典题目:<LeetCode>解题笔记:004. Median of Two Sorted Arrays[H] 问题介绍 这是个超级超级经典的分治算法!!这个问题大致是说,如何在给定的两个有序数组里面找其中的中值,或者变形问题,如何在2个有序数组数组中查找Top K的值(Top K的问题可以转换成求第k个元素的问题).这个算法在很多实际应用中都会用到,特别是在当前大数据的背景下. 我觉得下面的这个思路特别好,特别容易理解!!请按顺序看.是来自leetcode上的s
题目 There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find the midian of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log(m+n)). You may assume nums1 and nums2 cannot be both empty. Example1: nums1 = [1,
第一次做到数组双指针的题目是80: 因为python的List是可以用以下代码来删除元素的: del List[index] 所以当时的我直接用了暴力删除第三个重复元素的做法,大概代码如下: n = len(nums) for i in range(n): if 重复了第i个: del nums[i] i -= 1 在出来7%+5%的提交成功以后,我去看了题解,才发现了可以用双指针做... 在宫水三叶姐的题解中,能使用双指针的本质是利用了「数组有序 & 保留逻辑」两大主要性质.最早接触双指针,还
题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=2299 题意就是求把数组按从小到大的顺序排列,每次只能交换相邻的两个数, 求至少交换了几次 就是求逆序数 #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<algorithm> #define N 501000 using namespace std; int a[N], b[N]; __int64 cnt; void Merge(int r, int mid, i
Ultra-QuickSort Time Limit: 7000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 52306 Accepted: 19194 Description In this problem, you have to analyze a particular sorting algorithm. The algorithm processes a sequence of n distinct integers by swappin