iPhone不慎丢失后怎么办?普通青年:立刻报警,基本没用.文艺青年:用Find my iPhone查找位置.但那只是个大概位置,iPhone关机后更是没戏,接着是用iCloud锁定手机,发送警告信息乃至清除数据?这虽然保护了个人隐私,但很难找回,小偷会自己或托人重刷系统. 普通青年和文艺青年的方法一般都找不回手机,除非运气极佳,二逼青年可能会直接买个新的吧. 绝处逢生,为丢失iPhone的青年带来希望的终极大招来了,那就是“查询ICCID”,这个方法很直接,运气好的话可以直接帮你找到正在使用你
Pointers are like jumps, leading wildly from one part of the data structure to another. Their introduction into high-level languages has been a step backwards from which we may never recover. — Anthony Hoare 对指针可能有最让人误解和惧怕的数据类型,因此很多程序员喜欢躲避他们. 但是指针很重要
源:http://blog.csdn.net/henreash/article/details/7368088 Pointers are like jumps, leading wildly from one part of the data structure to another. Their introduction into high-level languages has been a step backwards from which we may never recover. —