在虚拟机上运行Linux内核版本为4.7或以上的系统都在安装过程中或在启动时会因为加载intel_powerclamp驱动而导致崩溃.解决办法:1.在启动Ubuntu的时候按住左Shift键:2.Ubuntu开机时将显示GRUB启动选项:3.接下来选择Ubuntu的高级选项(Advanced options for Ubuntu):4.然后进入Ubuntu的恢复模式(Ubuntu, with Linux 4.7.x.x-generic (recovery mode)):5.在Recovery M
The Host Controller (HC) contains a set of on-chip operational registers which are mapped into a noncacheable portion of the system addressable space. These registers are used by the Host Controller Driver (HCD). According to the function of these re
Protecting computer systems from attacks that attempt to change USB topology and for ensuring that the system's information regarding USB topology is accurate is disclosed. A software model is defined that, together with secure USB hardware, provides
The logical Host Controller Interface does not consider multiplexing/routing over the Host Controller Transport Layer(s). The Host designer must consider this in deciding which of the multiple controller configurations it will support. Each logical A
一定要选自定义. 这里一定要选 稍后安装操作系统 都是坑! 启动时出现'SMBus Host Controller not enabled'错误提示,进不到图形界面. 解决办法:1.在启动Ubuntu的时候按住左Shift键:2.Ubuntu开机时将显示GRUB启动选项:3.接下来选择Ubuntu的高级选项(Advanced options for Ubuntu):4.然后进入Ubuntu的恢复模式(Ubuntu, with Linux 4.7.x.x-generic (recovery mo