该文件是APM的主文件. #define SCHED_TASK(func, rate_hz, max_time_micros) SCHED_TASK_CLASS(Copter, &copter, func, rate_hz, max_time_micros) /* scheduler table for fast CPUs - all regular tasks apart from the fast_loop() should be listed here, along with how of
问题 Mail服务器在安装TFS服务(含SQLServer2016)后启动不了网页服务. 排查问题 使用命令查看端口占用情况 netstat -nao | find ":80" netstat -b 使用GUI 工具查看 问题解决 将IIS的绑定修改不再绑定80端口 将SQLServer ReportService从80端口改到8081,8082等 参考 Stop http.sys from listening on port 80 in Windows Port 80