Invalid file name: must contain only [a-z0-9_.][Android报错] 如: `[2012-02-07 09:58:14 - EmergencyResponder] res\raw\Effect for alarm.mp3: Invalid file name: must contain only [a-z0-9_.] 错误的文件名字:必须包含且仅包含字母a-z.数字0-9和符合"_"与".". [a-z0-9_.] 是
在Android中adapter错误: The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is not modified from a background thread, but only from the UI thread. 分析: 这个错误通常是listview等控件在使用adapter适配数据时
很久之前测试通过的代码,现在手机升级了Android7.0后一运行就崩溃,报出这样的错误,具体错误如下: Process: com.example.sho.android_anti_theft, PID: 26807 android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- window android.view.ViewRootImpl$W@363f7b1 has already been added at an
在使用真机调试Android程序时,报错如下: could not read ok from ADB Server * failed to start daemon error: cannot connect to daemon 首先,打开命令行工具,找出占用5037端口号的对应pid号 netstat -ano | findstr :5037 如果端口被占用,在任务列表中找到占用端口的进程 tasklist | findstr processID 打开任务管理器,将对应pid号的进程杀死.然后
报错:Program bash is not found in PATH (如果按照我的方法来的话是没有这个错误的,我之前用别的方法的时候有但是后来还是没解决,写出来放到这里做参考吧) 参考原文: 方法: 1.把cygwin/bin加入系统环境变量Path下 2.右击工程-->properties-->C/C++ Build -->ToolChain Edit
这段时间在调FCM推送服务的插件 ,原本以为去年调通过,应该很容易,没想到还是出问题了.现将问题及解决方法整理如下,仅供参考: 先看打包报错截图: 详细报错信息:Please fix the version conflict either by updating the version of the google-services plugin (information about the latest version is available at https://bintra