没有join条件导致笛卡尔乘积 学过线性代数的人都知道,笛卡尔乘积通俗的说,就是两个集合中的每一个成员,都与对方集合中的任意一个成员有关联.可以想象,在SQL查询中,如果对两张表join查询而没有join条件时,就会产生笛卡尔乘积.这就是我们的笛卡尔乘积导致的性能问题中最常见的案例:开发人员在写代码时遗漏了join条件. 发生笛卡尔乘积的sql: select sum(project_fj.danjia*project_fj.mianji) from project_fj,orderform w
Nowadays, little haha got a problem from his teacher.His teacher wants to design a big logo for the campus with some circles tangent with each other. And now, here comes the problem. The teacher want to draw the logo on a big plane. You could see the