EOF是一个预定义的常量,等于-1. 输入A和B,计算并输出A+B Sample input: 1 5 10 20 Sample output: 6 30 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a, b; while(cin >> a >> b) cout << a + b << endl; return 0; } *******
SQL中只有两列数据(字段1,字段2),将其相同字段1的行转列 转换前: 转换后: --测试数据 if not object_id(N'Tempdb..#T') is null drop table #T Go Create table #T([MDF_LOT_NO] int,[ERP_MODE_CD] int) Insert #T , union all , union all , union all , Go --测试数据结束 DECLARE @name VARCHAR(max),@sql
行转列,是SQL中经常会遇到的一个问题,并且分为静态转换和动态转换,所谓静态转换即在转换的行数已知或固定:动态转换则为转换的行数不固定. 转换的方法一般采用case when语句或pivot(MSSQL 2005及以上版本)来实现. 首先来看静态转换:先准备一下测试数据,使用如下SQL语句直接生成: If Exists (Select * From sysobjects Where id = OBJECT_ID('Sales') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'IsUserTab
原帖:http://www.cnblogs.com/nayitian/p/3231734.html wmsys.wm_concat Definition: The Oracle PL/SQL WM_CONCAT function is used to aggregate data from a number of rows into a single row, giving a list of data associated with a specific COMMENT_BODY. In ef