raw(default) the raw format is a plain binary image of the disc image, and is very portable. On filesystems that support sparse files, images in this format only use the space actually used by the data recorded in them.老牌的格式了,用一个字来说就是裸,也就是赤裸裸,你随便dd一个
如何挂载一个镜像文件(how to mount an image file) 08/16/2012master 4 Comments 在使用KVM或Xen虚拟化的情况下,经常需要使用镜像文件(image file),我们可以将Guest系统启动起来,然后对镜像文件进行修改,不过这样有时也是比较麻烦,其实也是可以将镜像文件直接进行mount的,可以用如下两种办法. (本文写的RAW格式镜像文件的挂载:我的另一篇文章写了“如何挂载qcow2格式的镜像文件”) 方法一:找出分区开始的开始位置,使用mo
The vmware system consists of two disks in raw format: the old boot disk and the second one. It is Windows 2000 Server guest OS. Create empty new boot image (use dd). Boot stand alone OS from any other disk with old boot disk and new boot image conne
Software QEMU emulator version 1.7.0 Introduction Since we use VmWare in my company, I started to play with it myself. Being slightly lazy I wanted to reuse some of my KVM images and run them directly in Vmware. Fortunately the process is dead easy.